Sunday, October 08, 2006


Anna Politkovskaja was shot yesterday, on Vladimir Putin's birthday, at her apartments lift.

Politkovskaja was the most known critic of Putin's government. She's been almost murdered before, and she was constantly afraid for her life. She was poisoned during her trip to Beslan during the school kidnapping in 2004. It is good to note that an independent member of Duma made his own investigation of the Beslan tragedy, and he found out that the killings were caused by the heavy fire from the Russian army, not from the terrorists.

For me personally, the murder of Politkovskaja was the last drop. I've had enough of Putin and his terror. Enough of the EU and the U.S. leaders who accept everything that Russia does because they have the gas and oil.

What should be done? Any good ideas?

We can protest in our blogs, we can protest against our polite and humble governments, protest against Russian embassies. And most important: Read Politkovskajas books Putin's Russia and The Second War In Checnya.


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