Monday, November 06, 2006

study on religion

ingsoc has took a big study on religion and has found out what is the right religion.

first, ingsoc has decided to believe in the doctrines of christianity. not that it's better religion than say, islam of budhism. ingsoc has become christian just like some people become punkrockers or social democrats.

all doctrines of christianity are pretty easy to believe: virgin birth, resurrection, heaven etc. are all very logical.

ingsoc studied the doctrine of hell carefully. in the beginning hell was about to be abandoned as one of the silliest doctrines ever made, but with further thinking hell could be of some use.

fire and brimstones is all very believable and propably true.

to make hell make sense, ingsoc cleared some misunderstanding of who will and who will not burn for forever.

hell is not a place for hopeless people who drown their sorrows on alcohol, sex and drugs. nor is hell for people who try very hard to believe but can't because all the doctrines and religions are very silly.

hell is for the assholes who go to church, believe in all the right things, say their grace, kiss their wife and children and then go to work to send more troops to iraq and buy more weapons for the state. hell is for the real evil dudes - hitler, stalin, dick cheney - not for normal people. i think few months in purgatory is a good punishment for smaller evil's such as normal bourgeous, female priests and bass players. and propably god thinks the same.


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