Some other great ideas

If you're skinnydipping at 5 am in the middle of the city and you have a police protection, go to the police car and ask if it's ok to take a picture of you next to the police car.
(If you live in Malaysia, don't do this. In Finland police just ask's you to get dressed or they'll offer you a free accommodation at the station.)
Naulan kantaan. Meksikossakin ehka valttaisin sita.
Hei mukavaa kun siskolla on himpun verran tervettä itsesuojeluvaistoa. Voinen nukkua yöni rauhassa while you're in Mexico city...
En nyt laittanut tätä juttua surrealismi otsikon alle, kun en ollut varma oliko tämä surrealismia. Oliko tämä surrealismia? Entä onko junassa paskantaminen ja virsikirjan varastaminen surrealismia?
Loysin meksikolaisen rakkauden ministerion!
Tekevat myos katulapsityota!
Erm... funny that you mention Malaysia specifically... are you seeing a danger that I will see the picture and be motivated to go skinny dipping and gently tap on the local police vehicle and go... "TA DA!"
Maybe I ought to give it a go... one of those "10 things to do before you die" thinggy...
yea justin, i was specifically thinking of you. but hey, if you have a strong feeling of this, give it a go!
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