Monday, September 25, 2006

The study of conflicts in society

First, it is important to realise who causes the conflicts in society.

The conflicts in the society are caused by middle aged men who propably haven't had sex for few years.

Why are the middle aged men kept in the powerfull positions in the society? Their only psychological purpose is to revenge on those who are having more sex than they are. That includes: artists, anarchists, hippies, women, feminists, gays, people of ethnic origin, young people in general etc. etc.

Ingsocs main political program is to replace these old farts with Halle Berry.

Friday, September 22, 2006

passed time

today i listened to some country music and felt that i will never get anywhere. and everybody knows this is nowhere.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

This is how we do it

War against terror is a big thing everywhere and civilian casualties are plenty. In the UK police shot a brasilian man 8 times in the head because he was thought to be a suicide bomber. In the USA CIA arrested a canadian man and sent him to Syria for torture( There are a lot of examples like this.

Ingsoc's great idol Vladimir Putin got even further. Some think that the FSB(=KGB) blew up a couple apartment blocks killing more than 200 people. The blame was brilliantly put on chechen terrorists, nevertheless after seven years the bombers have not been found.

But now TA-DAA! The anti-terror war has finally landed on small Eastern European country called Finland! While the big countries fight against bloodthirsty terrorists by killing and torturing, our brave policemen are fighting kids with the hoods and piercings.

Aren't they scary?

Ingsoc admires intelligent use of media and control, but our domestic minister Kari Rajamäki is merely pitiful compaired to the genious of Cheney or Putin. I'd still like to explain Rajamäki's so-called strategy to the readers who are not aware of what has happened in Helsinki during this summer.

1. In may, there was an anarchist party for the benefit of the old railway station. Media and police stated that there was heaps of 'molotov cocktails' to burn the station down.

2. On the next day the station burned. Police stated that it was an arson. Media wrote about anarchist arsonists for the next couple months.

3. Later police said that the investigation showed that the fire was an accident, propably caused by some unlucky sparks from the anarchists bonfire.

4. Tabloid media was not so interested of the fact that the fire was an accident or about any other facts. Police had got their domestic enemy, all right.

5. On 9th of september there was an anarchist demonstration of a handfull of kids, hundreds of bystanders, and a few drunken idiots. Police interpreted this as a threat to the national security and brought in busloads of men with full riot gear.

In this interesting but too long videoclip you can see how busloads of police arrive to a virtually peaceful city center:

6. Police arrested 126 people of which propably most were bystanders or peacefull protestors. Among them was a photographer for Suomen Kuvalehti, politician from Leftist party, and my workmate who was put to jail because he looked like a punkrocker.

In this funny video a couple hundred police is fighting against some kids, a few drunken idiots, few journalists and some other scary people:

7. The polices intentions are of course beautiful. They tried to create an enemy, which didn't exist. They tried to get more rights for the use of violence against citizens, more control, cutting of the freedom of speech etc. etc. They only forgot that the city center was full of videocameras and people who clearly saw what actually happened.

For now, ingsoc just wanted to give a brief history of the summer 2006 in Helsinki. Next time he will give you an analysis of why there are conflicts in the society and how the conflicts could be(and will be) stopped.


today i listened to hymns and felt like an asshole.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

i couldn't reserve tickets for the nick cave concert because i was working.

ja suomeksi:

vittu vittu vittu vittu vittu vittu vittu.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Anarchist action # 3

Collect money from poor artists and students...

And burn them!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

satunnainen onnettomuus

Mies makasi linja-auton alla, yläruumis näkyvillä, alaruumis vatsasta alaspäin litistyneenä. Keski-ikäinen, pukeutunut tavallisesti. Yläruumis ei ollut verinen eikä ruhjoontunut, vaikka lehden mukaan hän oli raahautunut bussin mukana 18 metriä, ennenkuin kuski oli huomannut onnettomuuden. Mies vain makasi siinä kyljellään, muutama tonni rautaa painonaan.

- Ei vaikuta ruokahaluun, Mahad sanoi. Hän oli nähnyt pienenä miehen räjähtävän kappaleiksi. Itselleni tuli mieleen kun muksuna etsittiin suolenpätkiä junaonnettomuuden jälkeen.

Kuolleen näkeminen herättää välittömästi joukon tietoisia ja tiedostamattomia ajatuksia. Ensimmäiseksi nousee pari vitsiä, joilla vältetään välitön shokki ja kiusaantumisen tunne. Spekuloimme tietysti oliko mies itse kuski, ja kuinka jurpassa hänen on täytynyt olla ajaakseen itsensä yli.

Ajattelin myös, että mies näytti rauhalliselta. Kuvittelin hänen senhetkisen olotilansa onnelliseksi. Ikävämpi ajatus on väkivaltaisen kuoleman jokahetkinen mahdollisuus. Ja Somalia taas on mahdollisuuksien maa...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hello neighbor

Ingsoc is watching you....

I'm not really into these 'paparazzi' pictures, but I couldn't resist this scene from our kitchen window.