Sunday, November 19, 2006

more videos on smash asem

this is pretty good one.

in the end of this video you can see how police knocks down leftist politician paavo arhinmäki. there was many of this kind illegal arrests during the protests.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Days are getting shorter, shadows are growing longer. It's a great time to burn candles and listen to hymns. Listening to hymns is the 2nd best thing to do since I didn't get the tickets for the fucking Nick Cave concert.

Hymns yeah, you say. But great hymns are really demon blasting. I saw Ville Leinonen playing hymns in the Viikki church. Raised up in a pentagostal family with 'lestadiolainen' influences my heart is forever tuned for slavic melancholy melodies with sad sad lyrics. Ville Leinonen played these songs, such as 'Kristallivirta'.

Kristallikirkkaan virran rantaa valkeat joukot riemuin käy. Palmuja voiton lauluin kantavat he, kyyneltä yhtään siel ei näy...

What does it says in these lyrics? It's about a beautiful land where there is no tears and only joy for the redeemed ones. What it says is secondary, the story of the song is in what it doesn't say. While listening to these tunes I saw visions of my head cut off and lying in a puddle of blood next to my headless body.

I saw my life as it had allready been lived. I had hurt all the people I loved, i had been left alone, had abused alcohol and lived in the streets. One day I had been frozen dead in a ditch. And there I was, in a beautifull land. I had finally come home.

As I listened to this song I felt no fear of death.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

dreams of hell

this is a dream that i saw when i was 13-14 years old:

i dropped my poker cards. i was reaching for them and fell in to the sea. i was still reaching as the cards were sinking and i was sinking with them. everything was getting darker. being sure that i was going to die, i started praying quickly: 'jesus please, i want to be a believer now...' but it was too late. everything got black. then all started getting more and more red and i was feeling hot, hot, hot. i woke up in panic.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

the number of the beast

yea, i've heard all the wacko prophets talk about it... it's also in the bible: 'And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads'. but now i've seen it with my own eyes in conan o'brien show. there was this professor who was talking about speeding up human evolution by adding some technical components to the brains and body, just like you add more memory for you computer. and, tadaa! he had put some 100 electrods in his wrist! here's some end of the world material for you prophets!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


1. frank zappa.

2. harri veijonen: the worlds best prophet and the 2nd best surrealist

3. ali g in america: basic poop, pee, willy and ass humor with some smart satire hidden in it.

4. jackass: basicly also about poop and all that but without any intellectual stuff.

5. pair documentary. real intellectual stuff with also some poop, pee, willy and ass in it(to sell more).

Monday, November 06, 2006

study on religion

ingsoc has took a big study on religion and has found out what is the right religion.

first, ingsoc has decided to believe in the doctrines of christianity. not that it's better religion than say, islam of budhism. ingsoc has become christian just like some people become punkrockers or social democrats.

all doctrines of christianity are pretty easy to believe: virgin birth, resurrection, heaven etc. are all very logical.

ingsoc studied the doctrine of hell carefully. in the beginning hell was about to be abandoned as one of the silliest doctrines ever made, but with further thinking hell could be of some use.

fire and brimstones is all very believable and propably true.

to make hell make sense, ingsoc cleared some misunderstanding of who will and who will not burn for forever.

hell is not a place for hopeless people who drown their sorrows on alcohol, sex and drugs. nor is hell for people who try very hard to believe but can't because all the doctrines and religions are very silly.

hell is for the assholes who go to church, believe in all the right things, say their grace, kiss their wife and children and then go to work to send more troops to iraq and buy more weapons for the state. hell is for the real evil dudes - hitler, stalin, dick cheney - not for normal people. i think few months in purgatory is a good punishment for smaller evil's such as normal bourgeous, female priests and bass players. and propably god thinks the same.