Thursday, July 27, 2006

Political statement

Therefore ingsoc states his concern for the war in the Middle East and it's affects on the stock markets.

Shame on you Olmert!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Things I done

April -
Investing our savings to some really good stock funds.

May -
Being excited and preparing for the entrance exams.
Thinking to never work with kids again.

June -
Flipping up the flipping exams. Getting drunk.
Doing lazy summer job at the Helsinki city. Working with kids.
Being pissed of and thinking of giving up the film hobby.
Loosing 1000€ at the stock markets.

July -
Started editing some material that we shot last year.
Being excited again.
Should shoot some new scenes...

Working with kids, everyday...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Surrealist action

Dear passive consumer of ingsoc propaganda. Become active! Tell us about your ideas! Small practical deeds to make world, if not better, at least wierder and smellier place.

Kauris propagandan uhri. Ingsoc yksin ei kykene, mutta ah, me kaikki yhdessä voimme tehdä maailmasta ikäänkuin hupsumman paikan elää.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Jeesus Töölönlahdella

Skene: Töölönlahti, aamuyö

Henkilöt: Jeesus, poliisisetä

Jeesus kävelee poliisiautolle. Poliisisetä avaa auton oven ja nousee seisomaan.

Poliisisetä: Köhm, öhm. Ajateltiinkin tossa kollegan kanssa, että se on ihan ookoo, että uitte siinä, mutta nyt laittakaa vauhdilla ne vaatteet päälle tai pääsette yöksi kisahallille.

Jeesus: Joo, mä ajattelinkin et oisin vaan kysynyt että voisko tosta ottaa kuvan jotenkin sillee et tää auto olisi siinä?

Poliisisetä: Hrmph!?

Poliisisetä istuu autoon ja sulkee oven. Jeesus kävelee takaisin laiturille.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Some other great ideas

If you're skinnydipping at 5 am in the middle of the city and you have a police protection, go to the police car and ask if it's ok to take a picture of you next to the police car.

(If you live in Malaysia, don't do this. In Finland police just ask's you to get dressed or they'll offer you a free accommodation at the station.)